
Timothy Brady - Professor of Psychology (Principal Investigator)
Tim received his PhD from MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, working with Dr. Aude Oliva, and performed postdoctoral research in the Department of Psychology at Harvard working with Dr. George Alvarez in the Harvard Vision Lab. He currently heads the Vision and Memory Lab. You can view his CV, Google Scholar profile, or email him. Tim's office at UC San Diego is in McGill Hall, Room 5322.

Joseph Saito - Post-Doc
Joey is a Post-Doc in the Brady lab. He completed his PhD at the University of Toronto working with Keisuke Fukuda (2024), and earned his B.A. working with Benjamin J. Levy at the University of San Francisco (2016). His work combines psychophysical, computational, & electrophysiological methods to characterize humans' voluntary control of visual memory. You can view his website or Google Scholar profile for more.

Isabella Destefano - PhD student
Isabella is a PhD student in the Brady lab interested in psychophysical scaling, individual differences and the role of categories in visual working memory. She's also interested in the role of chunking in memory, memory for symbolic number and computational models of memory. Here is Isabella's Google Scholar profile.

Yang Wang - PhD student
Yang is a PhD student in Psychology, interested in vision -- and things other than vision. Previously, he was a UCSD undergrad majoring in Math and Psychology. He spent his first three years in the Vul lab before transitioning to our lab. Google Scholar profile.

Isabella Longoria-Valenzuela - PhD student
Isabella is a PhD student in the Brady and Serences labs. She earned her undergraduate degree in Cognitive Neuroscience at Brown University, where she worked with Dr. Thomas Serre. She is interested in leveraging computational tools to investigate the intersection between visual perception, working memory, and long-term visual memory.

Dyllan Simpson - PhD student
Dyllan is a Ph.D. student in the Brady Lab interested in using computational modeling to predict ideal participant behavior for various cognitive and perceptual tasks. He is also interested in how continuous psychophysics can be used to optimize data collection and explore individual differences.

Join the lab

We're always looking for excellent Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers and and undergraduate students. See our Join the Lab page for more.


These wonderful people used to work in the lab but have moved on:

Malinda McPherson - Former postdoc
Malinda McPherson studies how listeners perceive and remember sound. She received her PhD from the Harvard/MIT Program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology and then postdoc-ed with us for 2 years. She's now a professor at Purdue.Website.

Jamal Williams - Former PhD student
Jamal was a PhD student in the Brady and Störmer labs, working on a variety of issues at the intersection of visual memory and visual attention, including how visual working memory guides visual attention, the role of interference within a category on visual long-term memory, crossmodal recognition, and the role of knowledge in visual working memory. He's now a postdoc at Yale. Website.. Here is Jamal's Google Scholar profile.

Maria Robinson - Former postdoc
Maria did her PhD at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and then postdoc-ed with us for 4 years. She is now an Asst Prof at Warwick Univ. She combinesg empirical work and computational modeling to study visual cognition, decision making, attention and memory. Website.

Michael Allen - former PhD student
Michael was a Ph.D. student in the Cognitive Science department, working between the Interactive Cognition lab and the Brady lab. He received his undergraduate and masters degrees in mathematical physics in Dublin, Ireland, before switching to psychology via a master’s degree in London, and finally arriving in UCSD. He was (and still is) interested in the intersection of memory, perception and the occurrent conscious experience, from a philosophical and psychological perspective. Here is Michael's Google Scholar profile.

Hayden Schill Hendley - Former PhD student
Hayden was a PhD student in the Brady lab and is now an Assistant Teaching Prof at UC Riverside. She was previously a research assistant with Dr. Jeremy Wolfe at Harvard Med. School and before that an undergraduate at Rhodes working with Jason Haberman. In Brady lab, she worked on how memory is impacted by expertise, in particular focused on how radiologists remember and make decisions about medical images. Here is Hayden's website.

Jonathan Keefe - Former PhD student
Jonathan was a PhD student in the Störmer and Brady labs interested in how perception and attention work within and across sensory modalities, using EEG to better understand the neural bases of these cognitive processes. Here is Jonathan's website.

Lauren Williams - Former postdoc
Lauren received her PhD from the University of Utah, where she worked with Dr. Trafton Drew. In the Brady and Stoermer labs, Lauren was interested in learning how prior knowledge and task context influence our mental representations of objects during complex visual tasks (e.g., visual search); the consequences of a limited visual attention system in applied settings, such as radiology; and perceptual expertise. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling to new places, listening to music, and hiking. Here is Lauren’s website.

Anna Shafer-Skelton - Former PhD student
Anna was a Ph.D. student in the Brady and Serences labs. She received her undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis, working with Richard Abrams. After that, she moved to Boston, where she worked with Tim Brady and George Alvarez in the Harvard Vision Lab, and then to Ohio State University, where she was a lab manager/research assistant with Julie Golomb in the Vision & Cognitive Neuroscience Lab. In Brady lab she studyied visual scene recognition and visual working memory. Here is Anna's Google Scholar profile.

Mark Schurgin - Former postdoc
Mark was a postdoctoral researcher in the lab, where he studied a variety of issues in visual working memory and visual long-term memory, using behavioral, computational and cognitive neuroscience methods. Mark got his Ph.D. from the department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Johns Hopkins University working with Jon Flombaum. He's now working at Google: Visit his website. Google Scholar profile.

Chaipat Chunharas, M.D. - Former PhD student
Chaipat was a PhD student who did work on visual working memory, including biases that arise from the interaction of items with each other in memory.

Jonas Lau - PhD student / Postdoc
Jonas got his PhD here at UC San Diego, as a PhD student in the Brady lab and in Pashler lab and was then a postdoc in the Brady lab. In our lab, he has worked primarily on ensemble statistics, visual search, multiple object tracking and the relationship of multiple object tracking to intuitive physics.

Other alumni:

  • Lulu Ricketts (Undergraduate researcher)
  • TJ Nguyen (Undergraduate researcher)
  • Delaney Pickell (Undergraduate researcher)
  • Ani Abovian (Undergraduate researcher)
  • Manzhi (Krypton) Li (Undergraduate researcher)
  • Brady Goodell (Undergraduate researcher)
  • Yonghoon Chung (undergraduate researcher, now PhD student at Dartmouth Psychology)
  • Elizabeth Bennette (undergraduate researcher).
  • Seema Ahmed (undergraduate researcher).
  • Avery Quynh (undergraduate researcher).
  • Brittany Hawkins-Carter (Undergraduate researcher, now PhD student at Howard University in Educational Psych.)
  • Zeljana Babic (Undergraduate researcher)
  • Isabel Asp (Undergraduate researcher, now lab manager at CNS Laboratory of Memory and Brain, Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System)
  • Annalise Miner (Undergraduate researcher)
  • Robert Walter (Undergraduate researcher, now PhD student at Yale Psychology)
  • Kelvin Lam (Undergraduate researcher, now PhD student at UC Santa Barbara Psychology)
  • Qingzi (Fanny) Zheng (Undergraduate researcher, now PhD student at Iowa Psychology)
  • Nimsi Guerrero (Summer undergraduate researcher)
  • Crystal Reudas (Summer undergraduate researcher)
  • Trenton Brooks (Summer undergraduate researcher)